Affiliate Window

Products to Include
You can choose which products to include based upon a custom variable. This is very similar to the Exclude from Froogle Feed/Google Product Search Data Feed setting within Actinic.If you tick Check value before including you can choose a custom variable (clicking on the Set button) you are shown the following dialog:

You can then select the custom variable to use to determine if you want to include this product in the feed. You can set the default value to True (include in feed) or False (don't include in feed). This value will be used if a custom variable value has not been assigned to a product.

Note: When you create a custom value you should set its type to True/False.

Affiliate Window allows you to provide additional information for each product not defined within Actinic. You can either use the same fixed phrase (or word) for all products
or if you want to have different text for each product you can define Actinic Custom Vars. The additional information that can be supplied for each product is :
Category (Mandatory)

            You can define the Category in the folllowing ways


                        A fixed sentence to use for all products


                        You can define a Custom Var in Actinic and assign a unique value to the product.

When you choose this option you need to press the Set button. You can then select the custom var and a default value (if one is not defined for the product). If you are using Actinic V8 you would create CustomVars by creating Variables in the Design Library. You would normally create these in the General Group.

                        Section Name

                        You can use the category name from a section that the product is under. You can

get the name of the section from the following :


                        Use the name of the product’s section.

            Parent Level Minus

Use a particular parent above the product’s parent section. You can enter the number of sections above the product to use. If there are not enough parent levels above the product, the top most level is used.

            Parent At Level

Type in a section to use, where 0 is the top most level, 1 the next level down etc.. If the level selected does not exist the parent section of the product is used.


                        Section Path

                        Use the section path to use to get to the product. For example,

Shoes > Mens > Black.


            You can add manufacturer information for your products in the following ways :



                        The same manufacturer to use for all products


                        You can define a Custom Var in Actinic and assign a unique value to the product.

When you choose this option you need to press the Set button. You can then select the custom var and a default value (if one is not defined for the product). If you are using Actinic V8 you would create CustomVars by creating Variables in the Design Library. You would normally create these in the General Group.

                        Section Name

You can use the category name from a section that the product is under. If your shop is arranged by manufacturer this is the best option to use. You can get the name of the section from the following :


                        Use the name of the product’s section.

            Parent Level Minus

Use a particular parent above the product’s parent section. You can enter the number of sections above the product to use. If there are not enough parent levels above the product, the top most level is used.

            Parent At Level

Type in a section to use, where 0 is the top most level, 1 the next level down etc.. If the level selected does not exist the parent section of the product is used.


                        Section Path

                        Use the section path to use to get to the product. For example,

White Goods > Fridges > Miele.

Delivery Period

You can add your delivery times for your products. If you have the same delivery times for all products use the text option. If most of the products have the same delivery times with a few having different times (e.g. larger items that use a different courier) use the CustomVar option and set the default value to be the most commonly used delivery time text.             You can add manufacturer information for your products in the following ways :


                        The delivery period to use for all products


                        You can define a Custom Var in Actinic and assign a unique value to the product.

When you choose this option you need to press the Set button. You can then select the custom var and a default value (if one is not defined for the product). If you are using Actinic V8 you would create CustomVars by creating Variables in the Design Library. You would normally create these in the General Group.

                        Section Name

You can use the category name from a section that the product is under. You can get the name of the section from the following :


                        Use the name of the product’s section.

            Parent Level Minus

Use a particular parent above the product’s parent section. You can enter the number of sections above the product to use. If there are not enough parent levels above the product the top most level is used.

            Parent At Level

Type in a section to use, where 0 is the top most level, 1 the next level down etc.. If the level selected does not exist the parent section of the product is used.


                        Section Path

                        Use the section path to use to get to the product. For example,

Birthdays > Cards > Next Day Shipping.


You can choose to use a unique reference for each product. You can either use your already defined Actinic product reference or a separately defined value.

You can add the reference information for your products in the following ways :

                        Use Product Ref

                        Use the Actinic product reference.


                        You can define a Custom Var in Actinic and assign a unique value to the product.

When you choose this option you need to press the Set button. You can then select the custom var and a default value (if one is not defined for the product). If you are using Actinic V8 you would create CustomVars by creating Variables in the Design Library. You would normally create these in the General Group. This can be useful if you want people to be able to see the manufacturers product reference.

Promo Text

If you want to add specific advertising text to all of your products this can be entered. For example, ‘Ideal for Fathers’ Day’.


The language that your website is in. For example, English.

There are more advanced ways to include information from Actinic (or from different fields). See the Advanced Features section for more details

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