Command line options

Automation for Actinic calls Batch Order Processing for Actinic with several command line options to allow it process certain orders. If you want to provide your own custom processing you can use the options described below:

-B                    run in batch mode, parameters are only accepted if you have specified -B on the command line.
-T <date>      From date. The date is in the form ?Year/Month/Day Hour:Minutes? For example ?2003/10/27 23:10?
-F <date>      To date. The date is in the form ?Year/Month/Day Hour:Minutes? For example ?2003/10/29 23:10?
-W <window>  Window handle for outputting messages to. This is the numeric window handle of the window (i.e. the m_Wnd or HWND value).
-I <indent>  How far across to indent text that is displayed in the window. Each time a sub- operation is done it is indented. This will contain the current depth of processes being run.
-P                    Mark completed orders as deleted. This will delete orders from Actinic. They will still need to be purged.

For example,
To delete records from Actinic, put "ME_OrderProcessing.exe -B -F ?2001/01/01 00:00? -T ?2003/12/31 23:59? -P" into the Process After Run box to mark all orders that are now complete after the run as deleted.

Mole End Software - Part of the Mole End Group
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