One Stop Order Processing
One Stop Order Processing for Ebay, Amazon, SellerDeck, Shopify, Magento, osCommerce, BigCommerce, RomanCart, eBid, XCart, Oxatis, Groupon, Wowcher, Paypal, Cdiscount. ekmpowershop, Etsy, Flubit, OpenCart, PinnacleCart, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Weebly, ChannelAdvisor, ASOS Marketplace, OnBuy, Mighty Deals , Mail Order and Telephone Sales


This feature is available in Professional, Premium and Enterprise versions of One Stop Order Processing

When a customer has returned an item or cancelled part of an order before shipping you can create a refund for the order. To do this select the order, right click and select the Issue Refund menu option.

This shows the basic order details. You can select the full or partial amount to refund. When the refund is created all refunded values are shown as negative values. This means that when you show or use totals for multiple orders the actual amount is shown correctly (e.g. for VAT).

If you want to make sure that you do not ship the refund you should tick the Copy shipping details to refund. This will copy over the shipping status and shipping date from the original order (that is being refunded).

When you refund the order if the entire order is being refunded you can tick the Add items back into Stock. This will put all the items fro the order back into stock. If you are doing a partial refund you have to amend the original order to update the stock levels (and any changes made to the original order will update the stock levels).

You can change how the refund details are shown:

Text to use for refund
When a refund is created an item is created for the refund. This value is the name given to the item.
SKU/Item ID to use:
This is the item ID given to the refund item.

Prefix to use for order ID:
The order number, invoice number and transaction ID for a refund is the same as the related order but has this text before the value. This makes it easier to find the related order.

Text to show when printing:
When a refund is printed a standard invoice is printed with the word Invoice replaced with this text. If you want credit note to appear on the print out change this text to Credit Note.

One Stop Order Processing allows you to import and process orders for Ebay, Amazon, SellerDeck, Shopify, Magento, osCommerce, BigCommerce, RomanCart, eBid, XCart, Oxatis, Groupon, Wowcher, Paypal, Cdiscount. ekmpowershop, Etsy, Flubit, OpenCart, PinnacleCart, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Weebly, ChannelAdvisor, ASOS Marketplace, OnBuy, Mighty Deals , Mail Order and Telephone Sales

Mole End Group of Companies
Products, plugins and utilities for SellerDeck All your orders, from all your systems, all together in one simple-to-use application Integrated label invoice paper and free software packages and templates. Print your invoice and labels at the same time Print Amazon Despatch Notes with a peel out label with the customer's details on directly from Amazon Print Ebay Invoices with a peel out label with the customer's details on directly from Ebay